The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66335   Message #1100281
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
24-Jan-04 - 07:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: I see no ships.
Subject: RE: BS: I see no ships.
When I open my door, I see the blue painted wall of our hallway!

When I go out the front of the building I see the gi-normous apartment block opposite & the first bit I see is the fence & treetops of the pool & garden, and on street level I also see a hairdressing salon. However, this one is very classy (it's a classy apartment block!!) - females do not wander around with their heads covered in towels, they all seem to be sitting under enormous hoods while their hair is drying.

If I step out the back I see the garbage bins & the back laneway (not always a pretty site!!)

Like my friend freda I also hear a frog in the garden downstairs, but I don't see the garden unless I step up to the window & look down. The garden also attracts a few discerning birds, some of whom chirp sweetly. It used to attract nasty pigeons & good riddance to them.
