The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66287   Message #1100340
Posted By: Ralphie
24-Jan-04 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: Release of Nic Jones 2nd album
Subject: RE: Release of Nic Jones 2nd album
Dick G.
Your kind offer of forwarding money to Nic is well intended I'm sure, and a good idea to boot. Thanks for that.
I still cannot, for the life of me, understand why Mr B doesn't come up with a deal for all his albums, with the relevant artists.
What is there to lose?
Everybody makes some money. (Not much, we're talking Folk Music here after all!) And Dave gets the Kudos for having looked after the Master Tapes for so many years...and everyone gets off his back..!!
He can then go "Legit" again, and not have to resort to flogging CDR's made in Brazil (or wherever) out of the back of a (virtual) van.
Then our friends like Mr Egg (Great name...where did that come from!?), can just pop down to their local record shop and spend their money, knowing that all is ship shaped and bristol fashioned, and that everybody gets their fare share. Artists, Record Company, Tax man (Grrrr!)

How difficult can it be?