The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13401   Message #110038
Posted By: catspaw49
31-Aug-99 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day (August 31)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (August 31)
If you saw a line of limos discharging their well dressed young occupants at an expensive public school in Toronto would you be seeing the same sacredness...or would the parents just be guilty of "keeping up with the Joneses?"

I think I do undertand your point Peter, but are you also implying that the standards of parenting have lessened to a dissappointing degree degree in the U.S., Canada, and other such more "civilized" countries? Unfortunately, I have to agree. There are many wonderful and dedicated parents all over the world, but our culture has reduced the percentage of good parents to a depressing degree.

I disagree with you that there was anything sacred in what you saw. It is the responsibility of every parent to do what they have to do under whatever conditions they live. It is the job; no more, no less. The Indian parents and the "Joneses" perform the same act. They do the best with what they have and they are striving to provide something better for their children. It is not sacred. It is the job. Parents are bound with the duty to rear their children to be responsible members of the society in which they live and to rear their own children in the same way. It is not sacred. It is the job.

But the work ethic has been decreasing in the United States for years and has now fallen to a low that would be hard to believe at the turn of the last century. And that work ethic has affected the "job" of parenting in the same manner. We no longer do the best nor do we give our most. Yes, some do, but that isn't sacred. They are just doing their job. Too many do not. The child welfare movement in this country tries to solicit community support for these failures with catchy slogans and phrases like "It Shouldn't Hurt To Be a Child" or "It Takes a Whole Village To Raise A Child." I understand the last phrase, but it's original African meaning is much different from the context we use it in now. It would NOT take an entire village if so many of the parents in this country acted in the time honored, but now virtually lost, tradition of parents. Nothing sacred. It is the job.

It wouldn't take an entire community to raise a child if so many in the community weren't violent, sadistic, uncaring, alchoholic, drug addicted, and undereducated. And sorrowfully, they are many times the "victims" of their OWN parents and are just passing on the "sins of the father." I was blessed with wonderful parents, and often, when I get to know the mothers and fathers of our foster kids, I know that there but for grace.......... There are almost two million children in foster care here, and for most of them, the die is already cast. Adoption is on the rise, but not for the children who could benefit the most.

I've got to stop..........this isn't a post, it's the prelude to a book! But it was a beautiful thought Peter and fuck you very much for posting it. I did miss the part about the heron dressed as Waylon Jennings though.....well, maybe next time.
