The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66349   Message #1100602
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
24-Jan-04 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Has the Internet changed kids?
Subject: RE: BS: Has the Internet changed kids?

It seems to be a surly weekend out here in Mudcatland.

I agree with you--this girl's parents should be reining in that kind of behavior. If they know about it. I have a 15-year-old, and at the risk of being slapped down by another GUEST who thinks we shouldn't discuss our children (or is it only MY children that guest has such difficulties with?) it is part of an ongoing dialog. My daughter is bright, she's caring and generous, but she IS 15 and she's in that peer-pressure-cooker called high school. Suggesting to the 15-year-old you tangled with that her mother wouldn't like such language will only bring on a further torrent. It's a tough call as to what will bring that girl into line--give her 20 years and she'll probably figure it out. :)

Meanwhile, we try to keep a dialog going. It has its moments. I won't discuss particularities here because I encourage my daughter to participate at Mudcat. She can speak for herself these days, and does a very nice job of it. The only general advice I can give regarding the difficult individual on the other list is to engage her in substantive conversations, where the flippant or abusive stuff is inappropriate and if she wants to stay in the conversation she will have to behave herself.