The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1100672
Posted By: Chief Chaos
24-Jan-04 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Sveral days of searching and Chongo had gotten nowhere. At a hundred a day and little to show the General was bound to call it all off and then throw him in a holding cell for the duration of the war. And depending on how hard the power's that be might want to cover their little problem up, he might not see sunshine again. maybe it was time for a trip south, perhaps Bali. He'd heard some nice things about Bali. No...he wouldn't run, he wouldn't back down. As much as this was starting to aggravate him Chongo would see it through. He was just about to check out the inner lining of his eye lids when there was a knock on his office door. He was about to say "Come on in, it's open," when two of Chicago's finest came through the door with guns drawn and levelled at him.

"Chongo Chimp?" asked the taller of the two.
"Yeah, that's me," he replied
"You're under arrest!"
"On what charge, officer?" Chongo calmly replied.
"Who knows," said the other, "Drecker said to bring you in, so wer'e bringing you in!"
"I think you might have got the wrong message, boys," Chongo said al little amused.
His amusement didn't last long as the tall one circled behind him, pushed him forward on to the desk and slapped him in cuffs.
"Quiet you!, don't give us any trouble or you'll regret it," replied the shorter one.
With Chongo in cuffs the policemen frog marched him down the steps and into the squad car. If Chongo hadn't known to duck his head he'd have gotten a nasty knock to his brain as they shoved him in the car. The policemen burned rubber away from his office with lights blazing and siren wailing.
"This is gonna do alot for my reputation," Chongo thought.

Chongo was in a holding cell for twenty minutes before Drecker showed up to let him out. Chongo had actually been rather enjoying the show from the other cells where and old crook was teaching his fellow inmates all about picking pockets and looking innocent.
"Sorry Chongo", Drecker said as he dusted his friend off, I asked to have a couple of officers pick you up so I could talk to you without arousing suspicion from whoever might be around."
"No problem, I figured it was something like that. You might want to have a talk with those two about inter species relations. They aren't gonna make it far in a town like this if they treat all ape kind like that.
"I'll take care of it," Drecker said with a grim look on his face. "You'd think that they'd teach that at their fancy new academies wouldn't you? I got no love for some of our frequent guests but roughing up the apes is only going to make the whole community uncooperative and fearful. Not to mention earning you a "mising persons" report when one of the larger gorillas gets you alone."
"Speaking of academies," Chongo said, "did you know that your guests, to use your own words, is teaching the others all the tricks of his trade?"
"You don't say?" remarked Drecker, "learn anything new?"
"Not really," Chongo replied grinning, "but you just might want to put a stop to it."
"Nah," replied Drecker, "I think of it as job security."
"If the crooks are dumb then you don't need smart cops."

Drecker escorted Chongo to a quiet interview room and got the both of them a cup of coffee.
"I wanted to talk to you about the case you're working on Chongo," Drecker said offering Chongo a cigar."
Chongo accepted one of the havannas offered and lit up.
"Found something did ya?" Chongo asked as he blew a few smoke rings.
"Nothing in the morgues or the hospital, so maybe there's some hope yet." Drecker replied as he lit his own stogie.
"Well you sure didn't get me down here for that."
"No, not that anyway, but I have been informed of a few "missing" young apes from all over the area." It doesn't give us alot to go on. If it's somehow connected to what you're investigating, it means that the bad guys are smart enough to know not to shop for pigeons in just one area."
"You got the names with ya?" Chongo asked.
"Yeah, names and addresses right here for you," Drecker said taking an envelope out of his pocket and handing it to Chongo. "I'd check out the last one first," Drecker said. "The parents clammed up a little after the report was made. Something strange about that. I can't follow up on it much more than putting out the APB but I thought you'd be interested.
Thanks, Lance." Chongo said stuffing the envelope in his pocket. "Maybe you could do me one more favor before you let me walk outta here."
"What's that?" Drecker said getting up and crossing to the door.
"Get me bak my .45. I'm rather attached to it, lots of memories you know. Your boys decided it might be dangerous for me to hang on to in the cell."
"Ignoring the fact that you could have torn their arms off if you'd wanted to huh? Dumbshits!" muttered Drecker.