The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1100777
Posted By: Chief Chaos
25-Jan-04 - 12:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Chongo left the precinct with as much haste as possible. Drecker had offered a ride home but he had driven the "banana" again. Chongo could understand his keeping it on the one hand but on the other it sure did garner alot of attention wherever Drecker drove it. Chongo needed to be a little more anonymous than that.

Chongo was about to call a taxi and head across town when he noticed the black sedan with the out of town tags with two men trying to remain inconspicuous behind upside down newspapers. "Gonna have to do better than that boys," he chuckled and headed into the corner store. A buck slipped to the stock boy and Chongo was up on the roof in a couple of seconds. He was satisfied to look down and see the G-men were still watching the front of the store. "No wonder they couldn't keep the chimps out," he thought. He crossed a few roofs, ran down a fire escape and entered the building through the third story back window. Despite the fact that he was trying to escape the attention of his own government, who should be his allies in this case, he was actually having fun. Chongo had picked this building in particular because there was a connecting steam tunnel running from it's basement two blocks east to a local taxi company. No phone calls to be traced, nobody to see him on the street, and for another buck or two, none of the drivers would admit to seeing him in the garage.

Chongo road in relative comfort laying down on the back seat with a blanket over him, just in case, for a couple of miles. the driver checked his mirrors and gave the Chongo the all clear. The ride across town was not eventful and soon he found himself in front of the rowhouse of the missing ape. "Thanks Mac," he said to the driver, handing him a ten for a three dollar ride, "I wonder how long those boys will wait in front of that store before they realize they've been had.
The driver started making change but CHongo told him to keep it.
"Sure thing son," the driver said stuffing it into his shirt pocket.
"For that kind of tip I'll go back and tell them I just took you to the west side if you want."
"They might even pay you for the info," Chongo grinned.
"Naw Mac, they're confused enough as it is. Let 'em rest there for awhile. They probably need their beauty rest.
The driver grinned and drove off waving to Chongo as he made his way down the street.
Chongo waited a few minutes until he was out of sight and then walked a few blocks to his real destination. "Can't be too careful," he thought with a sigh.

He looked at the address in his hand and then up at the dingy letters over the front door. A little run down row house, but not too dingy, not for the district he was in. He climbed the steps and knocked on the door. He was thinking about what he was going to say, what he would ask when the door opened and he found himself face to face with Kerchak.

Chongo didn't even bother going for his gun. Kerchak could reach out and crush his head before his hand was could reach the .45 in his pocket. Strangely enough Kerchak made no move towards him and seemed a bit dazed as well. Chongo began backing away down the steps until he felt the business end of a thomson catch him in the back.
"Damnit, he thought, this guy must have been down by the stairs watching the street for Kerchak and I didn't even see him."
"You." Kerchak finally said, sounding rather tired.
"You want I should ventilate him boss?" the gorilla behind Chongo asked.
"No Nick, no, believe it or not after all the things I told you I was gonna do to him when I got ahold of him, I just might need him."
"Whatever you say boss," Nick replied keeping the barrel pressed into Chongo's back.
"Escort Mr. Chongo in and get back by the steps Nick," Kerchak said, turining and entering the house.
"Yeah boss," he replied and not too gently pushed Chongo with the thomson.
Chongo could have fainted from the confusion he was feeling. First he runs into Kerchak and then Kerchak doesn't kill him out right, and finally Kerchak says he might actually need him alive.
Nick escorted him to a side room that Kerchak had already entered. Kerchak was pouring himself a drink from a small sideboy. Nick pushed Chongo toward a a chair and then turned and left the room.

"Can I pour you a drink Chongo?" Kerchak asked, "got some real fine brandy here."
Chongo weakly nodded assent. Whatever was going on a good stiff drink couldn't make it worse.
Kerchak actually grinned at Chongo as he handed him his glass.
"Well well well, the mighty Chongo Chimp, private dick, at a loss for words. Never thought I'd see the day," Kerchak said, sitting himself in a chair across from Chongo. "Okay, since the cat seems to have your tongue I'll do the talking. First off you know I still hate your guts and would like nothing more than to crush you between my fingers right?" Chongo just nodded and took another sip. "Okay then, just so that's straight. I've been enjoying inventing new tortures just for you but for now I've gotta put that on the back burner. I got a call the other day about my niece being missing. I'm assuming that's why you're here?" Chongo nodded again and began feeling the warmth of the brandy penetrating his bones. Chongo, as much as I hate you, I love my niece. She's had me wrapped around her little finger from the day she was born. I know that's hard to believe coming from me but it's true. Guys like you and me, the life we live, dames for a casual fling are a dime a dozen but we're never gonna find someone willing to take on the rest of the baggage that comes with us.
"Why," Chongo asked, "I mean why did you choose this life in the first place if you figured that out, and by the way, no offense, but when did you get so smart?"
"Cammoflage, Chongo, cammoflage. If a gorillas' smart he's likely to have ambitions. If he's got ambitions then the bossman can't fully trust him. That gorilla will have enemies behind and a boss above him that would probably have a hit lined up for him if he gets too uppity. Acting stupid removes me from that situation. The boss thinks I'm blindly loyal. The other gang members think I'm too stupid to stop their ambitions. My only ambition is to get whats best for me. And being the boss is bad for your health, always gotta watch your back. I like what I'm doing and I like where I am, why screw it up?
As far as why I got into it in the first place. What choice did I have? Chongo when I got here from Africa there was already too many humans thinking we were just dumb brutes, fit for nothin' but heavy haul jobs. If I wanted a part of the so-called "American Dream" I had to grab it for myself, not work night and day for some slave driver in a sweat shop. Even if I'd been legit I wouldn't be much above just taking care of myself. If the humans hadn't been so damned blind and discriminating I might not be here. When my niece was born I swore that she'd have the best and not have to face the world that I did.
"Just when you think you've got a guy pegged," thought Chongo, "and now she's gone missing," he said out loud.
"Yeah, for a couple of days now, that's why you're here right?" Kerchak said.
"Yeah, that's why I'm here. I'm assuming you're why the parents stopped talking to the cops?"
"Yes, I don't think the humans really care about her anyway," Kerchak muttered.
"Well at least one does, guy by the name of Drecker, remember him? He's the one that put me onto this," Chongo said a little heatedly. Kerchak didn't need to know about the connection to the whole case.
"The flat foot that drives that banana caddy?" Yeah I remember him."
"Look Kerchak, you may not like me, and I'm not fond of you either, but I've never lied to you. This is bigger than your niece, alot bigger. There are quite a few othe missing kids, all of them primates. They were being used by some humans to lift some things and gather info. I can't tell you what but I'm trying to find them and hopefully find the kids too.
Kerchak eyed Chongo a little suspiciously, "You'll be looking for my niece then?" he asked.
"Yeah, I hope I find them alive, but Kerchak, I know you don't want to here this, but I wouldn't count on them being alive."
"What makes you say that, Chongo?"
"Again I can't tell you Kerchak, you'll just have to trust me on that."
Kerchak wilted a little. "Whoever these people are they'd best hope I never get my hands on them."
"I'll tell you what Kerchak, you and me got some bad history but I think we could both help each other out. There's too much territory for me to cover alone. If you could get some of your boys to help you look for all of the missing kids or anything unusual it would be a great help. I'll do my best to find these guys and when I do I'll give you a call and let you have first crack at them. What do you say to that Kerchak?"
"I'd say that's a bargain," Chongo, "truce?"
"Truce," Chongo said taking Kerchak's proffered hand.
Kerchack grinned again showing some pretty fierce canines, "just don't think that because we've got a truce between us that it means I wanna start showering with you or anything."
Chongo grinned in spite of himself.