The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66344   Message #1100779
Posted By: katlaughing
25-Jan-04 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mastitis
Subject: RE: BS: Mastitis
You are a hoot, Kendall!

Mary, I found the following on a UK naturopathic site, FWIW. There should be some good ND's up thar...I am sure they could help with this.

The cabbage leaves work well for drying up milk, too, according to the nursing specialists with whom my daughter met recently.

Here ya go with the usual disclaimers...this is not medical advice and your mileage may vary:-):

Specific Remedies :

No true specifics are known for this condition, but Vitex is undoubtedly strongly indicated. Oil of Evening Primrose may also be of great value.

One possible prescription :

    Vitex agnus-castis 2 parts
    Galium aparine 1 part
    Scutellaria spp. 1 part 2.5 ml taken three times a day
    Oenothera biennis
    (Evening primrose) 500 mg capsules of oil : 5 dailythe advice suggested for PMT should be referred to

This supplies the following actions :

    Hormonal normalizer (Vitex agnus-castis)
    Lymphatic (Galium aparine)
    Diuretic (Galium aparine)
    Nervine relaxant (Scutellaria spp.)
    Anti-spasmodic (Scutellaria spp.)

Broader Context of Treatment :

It has been shown clearly that methylxanthines aggravate the problem. The commonest dietary sources of such natural products are coffee, tea, chocolate and soft drinks. These should be avoided totally. Other research showed that Vitamin E at dosages of 400-800 IU daily also helped. It is important to eat no meat, poultry, eggs or dairy products from animals given hormones to promote growth. In `A Textbook of Natural Medicine', Drs. Pizzorno and Murray recommend the following supplementation:

    B-complex 10 times the recommended daily dose
    Lipotropic factors 2 times the recommended daily dose
    Vitamin B6 200 mg per day
    Vitamin C 500 mg per day
    Vitamin E 600 International Units of d-alpha tocopherol
    Beta-Carotene 300, 000 International Units per day
    Iodine 0.25 mg per day
    Zinc 15 mg per day (picolinate preferred)
    Flaxseed oil 300 ml per day
    Lactobacillus acidophilus 1 teaspoonful three times a day