The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66287   Message #1102560
Posted By: HipflaskAndy
27-Jan-04 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: Release of Nic Jones 2nd album
Subject: RE: Release of Nic Jones 2nd album
Ah dear Penguin Egg - we meet again!
Topic eh?
Only last year, I wanted to obtain a copy of 'PE' for a friend, Julia Jones told me how many pence (yes, pence!) Nic gets for each copy Topic sells of Penguin Eggs. I haven't the exact figure to hand - her email is on my PC at home - I'll post it here when I get home later.
Dismayed by the pathetic sum they'd receive, I 'may' (stress - 'may') have burned a copy from my legit CD - sent that to my friend - and a promptly sent a cheque for £10 to the Jones household - a far better outcome to help 'keep up the Jones' wouldn't you say.
I 'may' get sworn at too d'ya think? HFA.