The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43745   Message #1103029
Posted By: Sam L
27-Jan-04 - 08:52 PM
Thread Name: Crosspicking Guitar
Subject: RE: Crosspicking Guitar
I don't know if you're really asking who I would call the king of arpeggios, or just kidding me, John.
I don't really have any favorite master players--once people get really good I like them to be interesting and psychological, and a lot of virtuoso picking bores me. As a kid back in Bowling Green I especially liked Steve Howe of Yes for his dramatic sense, the un-necesary roughness that suited him well for rock--not like a smooth jazz guy slumming in it, and the range of his interests.
   Now I tend to like songs or songwriters, and any good player who serves the enterprise thoughtfully.