The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1103085
Posted By: Chief Chaos
27-Jan-04 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
When Chongo and Drecker arrived on scene Chongo could have sworn a blue streak. "Here we go again!" he thought, "it was bad enough having those two rookie cops die on my last case, now they've turned this into a damned circus!" Drecker apparently was thinking along the same lines.
"Dammit, Dammit, Dammit!" Drecker swore. They've probably scared off the suspects by now!"

He and Chongo walked sullenly through the woods to the grave site. A team of policeman had already begun exhuming the bodies and laying them beside the grave. The sight was more than enough to make Chongo sick. The pictures in the medical report were nothing compared to what lay before him. Chongo turned away from the small bodies by the grave. Looking towards Drecker he spied a tear on Drecker's cheek. Nothing needed to be said.

Chongo walked back to the car alone with his thoughts. Revulsion and anger mixed with sadness and a sense of hopelessness. By God almighty he was going to find the spies responsible and make them pay. Drecker arrived at the car a few minutes after Chongo. His eyes were red and his cheeks were puffy. He sniffed and snuffled into his handkerchief. "Damn sinuses," he said. Chongo allowed him his dignity.
"Chongo, I've got to go back to my office. I'm out of my jurisdiction here. Any of the officers here will give you a lift back. They've also found a cabin about a mile further down the road that's been recently abandoned. I figure that's where our suspects were before the clown parade arrived here.
"Thanks Lance, but before you go I need to tell you what your boys are dealing with. Those kids didn't die from those gunshot wounds. The lack of hair and teeth and those open wounds weren't from decay. That's radiation poisoning. Your boys are going to have to be monitored and the bodies of the kids will have to be cremated to prevent further contamination."
Drecker's eyes showed the shock he felt at those words. He knew about radiation from all the science fiction magazines he'd consumed as a kid and he'd heard some vague rumors that something strange was going on in town but he'd mostly discounted them.
"I can't tell you what or where but that part is going to get out if any of your boys get sick and I've seen too much of that."
"Thanks Chongo. I'll make sure they get properly taken care of."

Out of pure habit Chongo returned to the grave site and began looking for a trail back to the cabin. It didn't take him a lot of time to find the track, he'd been hunting prey long before most of these policemen had been walking a beat and it was probably more obvious to him than it would ever be to any human. He was at the cabin in about fifteen minutes. As he'd expected when he set out the cabin was clean. The only thing that he was really able to deduce was that there had been at least four humans there at one time, mostly by sent, but also by the different sets of footprints around the site. He was so intent on looking for clues that he didn't hear the man sneaking up behind him.

"Dicky" subdued Chongo quickly and tied him to a sturdy arm chair.
"I told you you'd regret messing with me hairball!" Dicky smirked at Chongo.
"Now you're going to pay for humiliating me in that diner. Oh, and in case you're thinking that the cops are just a holler away, I already sent them packing."
Dicky pulled in jar out of his pocket. "Know what this is asshole? This is a container of low grade uranium. Not lethal while it's in its container and pretty innocuous in small exposures but that's not what's going to happen to you. Oh, no! You're going to get exposed but good!. Chongo was getting good and angry and was already working at breaking the ropes that held him fast.
"I see that finally wiped the smirk off your ugly mug! I'm going to leave you here with this little container and come back some time tomorrow. You ought to be good and dead by then!"
Chongo stalled for time while he worked at his bonds. Dicky had unfortunately done a very good job.
"Must have been a damn boy scout," Chongo thought bitterly. Out loud he said, "how'd you find out about this?" Let the enemy reveal his plot to you, they do it every time instead of paying attention to what you're doing.
"We've had your phone tapped since day one and you never knew it? And you call yourself a detective! When that flatfoot called you we waited for you to show up and tailed you to the hospital and then here. I told Graves that I should have been in charge. You're too damn sloppy."
Chongo was starting to get a minor amount of slack. "Unfortunately by the time I get these ropes untied I'll be a crispy critter. Momma didn't raise me to die like this!" Chongo thought and redoubled his efforts.
"After you're dead I'm gonna take your body to him in a lead lined sack and tell him we found you that way in your office. Damn stupid Chimp! I'm gonna say. Found some evidence and instead of handing it over he decided to keep it for himself. Yeah, curiosity killed the chimp! I'll get the spies sooner or later and then I'll get the recognition I deserve. You know chump, it's just to bad that liberal pantywaist Roosevelt has decided to side with the damn frogs and limeys. The nazis got a pretty good idea wasting your kind. If it wasn't for him I'd be right by their side!

Dicky was laughing for a moment until he saw the shadow rising up behind him. He turned just as Kerchak's fist caught him on the side of the head, sending him tumbling across the floor.
"Kerchak! I never thought I'd say this but boy am I glad to see you. Think you could come over here and untie me?"
Kerchak reached over and snapped the ropes holding Chongo to the chair. Chongo was impressed with the apes strength but he wasn't about to show it.
"Couldn't let him do you," Kerchak said, "spoil my fun when this is all over. Couldn't let that bastard do a fellow primate either for that matter."
Chongo chaffed his wrists and went over to check on Dicky.
"Is he dead Chongo?"
"No, you must be losing your touch, Kerchak"
"More like his head is so hard that nothing could hurt him," Kerchak said spitting on the floor "we already know that he's got a really stiff neck. How do bastards like him get in power?"
"They kiss ass and stab people in the back until they get there. Good thing they can't keep the charade up once they hit the limelight. You heard everything he said?"
"Yeah, shit Chongo, you're playing with folks more dangerous than me on this one. Nazis?"
"At least four of them from what I can tell. I'd appreciate it if you'd keep it under your hat though. This whole deal is rather sensitive."
"No problem there. I don't like humans in general but Nazis are worse than anything on this side of the pond, well, with the exception of your friend there. What do you want to do with him? You want to leave him here with the uranium like he was going to do you?"
"No, Kerchak," Chongo sighed, "the hate has got to stop somewhere. But I do need to get him out of my hair until this is over. I'm tired of him dogging me and he really needs to be taught a lesson."
Kerchak began grinning madly. "Leave it to me Chongo, I think I've got just the thing."

Dicky woke in a strange bed in a strange room that was softly lit and decorated with lace and flower prints. The smell of perfume lingered in the bed and the air. He couldn't remember anything after tying Chongo to the chair. It must have gone well he decided.
"I must have decided to tie one on and get a girl for the night," he thought, "oh but what a hangover! My head is killing me!"
Dicky rolled over to see if he could find a clock. Wouldn't want to be late getting back to the lab. He needed to retrieve the body and make his report to the general. The bed springs squeaked loudly under his weight.
"You awake big boy?" came a sexy voice from what he assumed was a bathroom. "That was quite a ride last night! I hope you got something left for Momma this morning!"
Dickie grinned and lay back on the bed. "To hell with the lab today," he thought,"I'll make up some excuse when I get back."
He closed his eyes and relaxed awaiting the girl's return to the bed.
"I thought you were awake, lover" came the voice now right next to him.
Dicky opened his eyes and found himself face to face with a 700 pound female gorilla in gold silk lingerie. He went from pure contentment to rage and loathing faster than his little mind could comprehend. Dicky flew at her in a rage but she was waiting for him. Kerchak had warned her he might react that way. If it were Kerchak himself she might think of it as foreplay but coming from a human her mind began screaming Bundalo!" Maisy held back her instincts and cold cocked Dicky with her fist to the side of his head that Kerchak hadn't pounded in the previous night.

Dicky awoke in the brig. The guards wouldn't even talk to him, not even look at him. Dicky knew he was finished.