The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61364   Message #1104758
Posted By: dianavan
29-Jan-04 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: David Kelly (UK govt. WMD thing)
Subject: RE: BS: David Kelly (UK govt. WMD thing)
Gareth: moral choice?

I am quite sure that most would not like to see Saddams murderous rule continue.

I am also quite sure that most do not need to be lied to regarding weapons of mass destruction.

When the U.N. said no to the U.S.A. and Britain, that should have been clear enough.

Invading Iraq is not and never was a moral question (since when did the U.S. have the moral high ground?) Its simply a matter of oil and strategic location. When it comes to money, the U.S. suddenly becomes morally righteous and Blair just wants to be a buddy.