The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66484   Message #1104911
Posted By: Mudlark
30-Jan-04 - 02:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
Bob...Altho unpleasant to dwell on, when you think about the insults perpetrated on your body less than 2 months ago, it's amazing you are exercising, like it or not, and walking already. Telling a patient to be patient is like waving a red flag at a bull, I know, but try to see things from your hip's POV (lol).

Having lupus, I've had to figure out my own progression for upping intensity of exercises. I overwhelm easily! And it is boring, as well as painful. I truly love walking tho, and to be able to walk a mile again, up hills and down, is a real thrill (even if I do have to push myself to do it every day).

No 2 ways about are doing splendidly!