The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1105351
Posted By: Chief Chaos
30-Jan-04 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
With thanks to Terry Pratchett...

Back at the precinct a strange scene was playing itself out. An non-English speaking orangutan was attempting to tell several police officers what he had seen the night before, Unfortunately the policemen in question were no good at charades.

The Orangutan had come from a very far distance to see this city of "Chicago". He'd observed that it was very strange and fascinating as he'd heard it was and yet in some ways it was very similar to his home. For instance he'd found upon his arrival that just like at home any traveler will arrive at his destination eventually. Unfortunately their luggage would not. Having no money in his pockets, primarily because he had no pockets because he wore no clothes, he found himself rather destitute and unable to finance the return trip. So he'd wandered the city streets until he came upon a building that he understood fully. The Library.

The clouds parted and the sun which had been vacant all day shone down on him. He opened the door to the hallowed halls knowing that there he would find someone that could help. Unfortunately for him the librarian, in whom he had great faith, had never seen an orangutan before. She knew intellectually that they existed but to know something and to have it suddenly pop-up in front of you with a great toothy grin was quite another. She fainted.

His second mistake was in trying to bring her too without help. Her eyes opened to see his great hulking orange body hovering over her, her hand held in his huge hairy mitt being patted by his other huge hairy mitt. She fainted again. He became a bit concerned the second time and went to find the library director for assistance. When the ambulance that the director called left, it was with a sedated librarian in the back, softly babbling to herself.

Without the help he expected to find, and without anywhere else to go, he settled into doing what had become second nature to him back home. He began cataloguing and returning books to their shelves. In short, as at home, he became "The Librarian".

It was because of this that he'd first run into Katherine. She'd been a regular at the library, always checking out books about foreign places that she'd never seen. In this they were kindred spirits. He'd been on his way to deliver a book about Poland that he had had to obtain from an other library to her. He'd been on the street in front of her store when he had seen her forced at gunpoint into a grey ford sedan which he'd chased into the old river front district.

Now if only he could get this across to the police. He was becoming rather frustrated withe the process having gone through the "first word", "sounds like" routine several times already. They'd missed lid, and hid, and bid had gone nowhere at all. He was about to start tearing off limbs and assailing their owners with them when it dawned on him that he might actually be able to get them to understand "kid". He did the first word, sounds like motions and then put his fingers pointing upward to either side of his head.
"Devil" guessed one of the police. "Satan" guessed another.
The librarian covered his eyes with his big hairy mitt and blew soft raspberries and tried again this time adding sound effects (after all they didn't need to necessarily follow the rules).
After seeing the librarian put the fingers up and hearing him say "baahhh", the police finally seemed to be getting the hint.
"I got it!", shouted one, "he means sheep!"
"No you idiot he means lamb!" said another.
"Since when are you an expert on barnyard animals?" a third asked.
Another ventured "goat?"
The librarian got very excited. He was finally getting through!
He then began to gesture for "small".
Immediately the policemen began shouting, "small goat, little goat, tiny goat, miniature goat, itty bitty goat!"
It was then that Detective Drecker walked into the room and said, "Kid, a little goat is a kid."
The librarian turned a backflip he was so ecstatic! He quickly pointed at his nose to let them know, for certain if they'd missed the back flip, that Drecker had got the right answer. He then signed for second word and put his hands together as if praying, laid them aside of his head, closed his eyes and began making snoring noises.
The policemen again started shouting answers, they didn't want to be outdone by the detective after all, "sleep", "snooze", and "rest" all got raspberries and looks of derision. Again Drecker was the one who said nap. He was also the first one to put together kid and nap to get kidnap and it was all downhill from there. Well, with the exception, of having to console a frustrated and exhausted 600 lb male orangutan librarian. Soon Drecker had the river front area staked out.