The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66547   Message #1105388
Posted By: GUEST,eliza c
30-Jan-04 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: Songlines:World Music vs British music
Subject: Songlines:World Music vs British music
Anyone seen this magazine article yet? It does mention me, but trying to be objective (almost impossible when you read it), what do you fellers (and lasses) think?
There isn't an online version, but here are a few quotes:

"Why, with all the scintillating sounds emanating from (other places), do we choose the turgid and anachronistic sounds of traditional folk to represent us on the world stage?"

"This is the 21st Century, where the whole pleasure of World Music is the cultural garam masala that has produced exciting new sounds, albeit with reference to the past. The hard truth, and one that it is about time we owned up to, is that when we talk about "World Music" we mean "rest of the world music". Music performed by foreigners in strange tongues and creating stranger sounds."

"(British folk is) simply not relevant, and not good enough, and diverting attention from far more interesting artists"

Presumably he feels this way about American traditional music too, although he doesn't mention it. Wonder if he knows that it exists?
His name is Paul Morrison. I can feel myself sharpening my knives for this man, but fancied a few other opinions first.
It's a shame, I've always been a fan of Songlines and the way it does seem to incude everyone in its vision. Only one man's opinion, I know, but it seems to me that this kind of thing plays upon our national flaw: the refusal to respect anything home-grown in favour of the exotic. Your clarifying views would be greatly appreciated!