The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66547   Message #1105426
Posted By: Les from Hull
30-Jan-04 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: Songlines:World Music vs British music
Subject: RE: Songlines:World Music vs British music
'Lanky-haired women and hairy-chinned blokes with fingers in ears singing about 19th century shipwrecks' is apparently what we do. So that's telling us!

Perhaps Paul Morrison hasn't heard as much 'British Folk' as he should. Or perhaps he has heard too much. I'd like to hear some of his music to see if I like it as much as I like yours (or mine for that matter). And it was nice of him to include your picture so everyone would know who he was slagging off.

The guy's an idiot. Doesn't he know that 'World Music' is a name made up by the record industry so that they can put all sorts of odd sounds conveniently together in the record shops? It's as meaningful as 'Celtic Music'. The fact that Songlines includes 'British Folk' in its coverage is an editoral decision of that magazine.

Now I like much of the music that Songlines features, and I'm grateful for the introduction I've had to lots of interesting sounds. But why they have to have this 'bete noire' feature where somebody tells us something they don't like beats me.

Les (hairy-chinned bloke goes off singing about 19th century shipwrecks)