The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66547   Message #1105508
Posted By: harvey andrews
30-Jan-04 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: Songlines:World Music vs British music
Subject: RE: Songlines:World Music vs British music
Eliza, this is a personal response on a public forum, but why not?
The man is an arse.
People who write articles and run magazines do so because they can't hold the stage as you can. He's a shadow chaser, a fad fancier, a figment of his own pomposity and narrow mindedness.
In my 40 years of being a singer and songwriter I've been buried, along with the music I love, in many an article or review, only to be raised from the dead and lauded by others.All of us have.
But I've ploughed my furrow. And your mother and father have ploughed theirs with distinction. If they have scrapbooks I'm sure they can show you similar articles. We've all suffered them.
His opinion has as much weight as a bag of wind.
We make the music we make because we love it. We find an audience that loves it too and together we row off into the sunset.
Those that can't find the audience for their music start magazines and write for them. It's amazing what insulting bollocks a desperate writer can find to say when he's faced with the blank page.
I've seen the music I love buried, booed and battered,as well as lauded,loved,and praised, but its practitioners are still working, making cd's and putting bums on seats. They are still being true to their "roots", to what made them start to make music in the first place.
I've seen it all come, go, and come back again. So will you.
Tomorrow I do a 40th year concert which is a theatre sell-out.
You will too.
And the name Morrison will have been completely forgotten.
Don't let the bastards grind you down!