The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66547   Message #1105822
Posted By: Dave Hanson
31-Jan-04 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: Songlines:World Music vs British music
Subject: RE: Songlines:World Music vs British music
It appears to me that Paul Morrison is one of a group of talentless people who seem to hate their own musical heritage and traditions and
put forward some other culture like the kings new clothes.[ Shades of Ian Anderson ]. Round where I live in West Yorkshire, you can go out any night of the week into a pub and listen to people singing and playing British and American folk music old and new and sometimes
music from other countries. They do this because they love the music.
Is Paul Morrison saying ther is something wrong with us all because we don't like what he likes? Unless he is deliberately being provocative, he really is talking out of his arse.