The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1106340
Posted By: Chief Chaos
31-Jan-04 - 11:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Chongo returned the container of uranium to the general the next morning. He was going to tell the general about "Dicky" dogging him as any man that felt that vehemently about primates might just be too much of a loose cannon, but he held back.
"You know you're pretty much our last hope on this investigation," Graves told him, "Our top man, the officer that was with me when we first contacted you, was thrown into the brig this morning for assaulting a female gorilla. Rumor also has it that she is.... an escort shall we say? I shouldn't tell you this because the investigation into his behavior is just beginning, but the investigating officer believes that he spent the night with her and then attempted to kill her to cover his indiscretions. Sick, sick man, no offense, he keeps saying that he was set up and how much he hates apes. I'm glad you didn't have any run ins with him."

Chongo grinned at the news but tried to cover it up. "Leave it to me, he says," thought Chongo, "Muscles like steel mountains and a sharp mind as well as a twisted sense of humor. I'm glad he's working with me on this caper." Chongo told the general that he'd found the container in the cabin where the spies had been. He felt bad about lying to the general but it might give creedence to Dicky's story and Chongo was better off with him in the brig.

Chongo also told the general about the bodies and grave.
"We'll have to get the bodies from the morgue and decon the area," Graves said, "I'll work through the hospital to do that and make sure the policemen are okay as well. Shouldn't be too difficult. Chongo, if you'd help me on just one more thing on this as well, I'm going to take care of the burial costs and help out the remaining family members as well. Those youngsters died because of an oversight in our security. They died for their country in a way, and I for one am very grieved that they did."

Chongo's jaw dropped in awe. Never before had he seen such respect for his kind displayed by a human. Sure he and Drecker were friends, and Jake down at the gym had literally saved his life, but these children were strangers to General Graves.
"Stunned you did I?, the general said, lighting up a stogie, Good, I like to keep people on their toes."
Chongo extended his hand to Graves saying "It would be my great pleasure general."

Chongo was still musing over the general and what he'd said when he got back to his office. It was still early and the smell of someone cooking brunch was making him extremely hungry. Smelled like eggs, bacon, toast and coffee.
"Wait just a damn minute! That's coming from my kitchen!, he thought. He drew his .45 and slowly inched towards the kitchen.
A strange howler monkey, well all howler monkeys were strange... a howler monkey unknown to Chongo was wearing an apron and handling a spatula like a pro at the stove.
"Hope ya like ya eggs over easy," the monk said, "I do dem best"
"So this is what it feels like," Chongo thought, "I guess I should have expected this at some time or other, I do this all the time to other people."
Chongo put away his .45 and hung up his coat and hat.
"M' names Solly," the howler said still not turing from the stove top, "Kerchak sent me." "I reckoned ya'd be hungry since ya left so early dis mornin'". Ya take yer java black I'd guess. Din't find no sugar er cream. S'good and hot, pour yaself a mug and siddown, I'll be witcha in a minute. This all came out about a mile a minute as it did with most howler monkeys and it took Chongo a minute to understand it. Chongo had learned to record the sounds coming from a howler in his mind and play it back at a slower speed, parsing the message together bit by bit. He grabbed a mug from the cupboard, poured himself some coffee and sat down at the table. One sip told him that the howler made a good brew. Chongo found himself anticipating the eggs and bacon.