The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1106749
Posted By: Chief Chaos
01-Feb-04 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Okay, sorry, the last two entries were made by myself. Now to the story.

Chongo took a moment to check in with Drecker. Now that Dicky and his boys had been pulled off he didn't have to worry about being overheard anymore.
Drecker listened patiently to Chongo and then told him about the report from the librarian. At least the stories jived. Nothing further on it though but Drecker assured Chongo he'd call if they found anything.

Chongo lit himself a havannah and checked his mail. Gotta do it sometime, boring as it is. Bills, bills, bills, no letters from secret admirers, no you too may be a winner anouncement. Chongo began thinking that the world loved him only for his money. Then he thought "what money?" and chuckled to himself.

Chongo caught a cab for the east side to keep his appointment with Kerchak. He checked the stairs this time before going up. Sure enough an ape was there with a thomson. The Ape smiled up at Chongo and actually waved. Seems he'd been told Chongo was expected. Chongo knocked on the door and was admitted by Solly who actually took his coat and hat. and then led him into a parlor off of the foyer. Kerchak was sitting in an arm chair with a worried look on his face.
"Well, here I am Kerchak. Kerchak?"
"Huh! Oh hello Chongo, glad you came by. Sit down will you?"
Chongo sat down as Solly came in with a tray with two drinks on it, grinning from ear to ear.
Kerchak glanced at Solly as he took his drink from the tray.
"You know that smirk is really annoying Solly, it isn't all that funny."
"Yeah boss, it ain't funny," Solly replied, but the grin remained anyway.
"Okay Kerchak I'll bite, what's going on?" Chongo asked.
Kerchak sighed, "Well you heard about Dicky right?"
"Oh yeah! pure brilliance, Dicky ain't gonna be bothering me for a long time to come," Chongo replied.
Yeah, I thought so too," Kerchak said with a fleeting smile, "except..."
Now Chongo knew something was really going on, "Come on Kerchak, spit it out."
"Well, I needed to make a deal with someone to pull that off and I don't know if I can do it."
"So you need my help, is that it?"
"Yeah, but it's not what you might think. Maizey, the gorilla that Dicky woke up with? She told me that if I wanted her to do it I had to promise her a "date" at a really posh place, uptown.
"So what's the problem?" Chongo asked.
"I don't know how to say this Chongo, but I've never been with a woman before, I mean I've been with a woman before but never on a real date. I think Maizey likes me and I think I might just feel the same about her. I've never had to deal with this type of thing."
"Kerchak old boy, you've come to the right place."
"Just one thing Chongo, you tell anyone, I mean anyone about this, and I will kill you!"
Chongo chuckled, "do you mean more than you want to kill me already?"
Kerchak looked a little stunned and then grinned himself "yeah, you tell anyone and after I'm done killing you for what happened before I'll bring you back and kill you again! I mean it!", he said and burst out into a howl of laughter.
"So you gonna help me or what?"
"Yeah Kerchak, but you might notice that I'm not exactly doing well in that market myself." Chongo replied, "let's get down to business."