The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66484   Message #1106874
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
01-Feb-04 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
Hopefully I am not a candidate for a long time. That said, I want to relate to you how wonderful are the improvements in this---and, I suppose, all other areas of surgery.

Some 30 years ago my Father in Law had a hip replacement---it required 20 days hospitalization with his leg immobile for that time. Then rehab for another few weeks. Then the proscription against heavy lifting and running.

Today, as I understand it, things are quite different. Thankfully. Surely that applies to pretty much most surgeries.

Now we just have to hope for good health to avoid all these wonderful improvements in healing---best not to have to heal. But, if one does, things are much better in this day and age. So much for "The Good Old Days"

Bill Hahn