The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66547   Message #1106941
Posted By: Maryrrf
01-Feb-04 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: Songlines:World Music vs British music
Subject: RE: Songlines:World Music vs British music
What a load of crap! I suppose, then, it's of no relevance at all to study history, or to read authors such as Chaucer and Dickens. Of what possible relevance is a museum, for instance - just relics of the past on display. I never heard of this guy but he sounds incredibly shallow. And what's this about pushing British folk into the spotlight - isn't it in a very marginal place right now on the music scene? I guess he just wants to stamp it out altogether. I think his commentary is too stupid for words. Thank goodness there are people like Eliza who still carry on in spite of nonsense like this.