The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13147   Message #110710
Posted By: Neil Lowe
02-Sep-99 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Pub - Round 8
Subject: RE: Mudcat Pub - Round 8
Leej: you suppose Neal ever found his father?...and did Jack ever find the meaning of the belly button lint he was forever searching for (and wouldn't it have been a shameful waste of time to have slogged completely through On The Road only to have come to that conclusion?...better to have reached that summation early on, so as to move on to bigger and better things, after the first forty pages or so...)...and do you suppose old Bill Lee ever stops looking for shotgun shells and .44 magnum rounds (I hope so)? think Kesey ever found Merlin?....did Baba Ram Dass find spiritual enlightenment?...and did Tim Leary find Owsley or Dr. Albert Hoffman waiting for him upon his 'going over' from one illusory and superficial reality to the ultimate and final 'trip' at the end of that hallucinatory rainbow? Just curious....