The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66644   Message #1107807
Posted By: Stewie
02-Feb-04 - 10:05 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Dying Bushman
Subject: Lyr Req: Help with 'Dying Bushman' (NZ)
I am seeking help with lyrics to 'The Dying Bushman' a New Zealand song that Phil Garland had from Ken Hart of Palmerston North who had first heard it in the Otaki area in the early 1930s.

I have put question marks beside the words I am seeking in the transcription below. I have searched sites on the Net related to NZ timbers, but came up zilch with some - I have spelled them as they sound. A 'sasha' (or whatever) may be a timber cutting tool of some kind, but it's not a term I've ever come across. The word before 'door' sounds like 'worry' but that makes no sense.

Any assistance with making this transcription accurate will be greatly appreciated.


I've knocked around the logging camps since early boyhood days
I've seen the famous axemen come and go
Now me chopping days are over, I shall swing that axe no more
On the hillside where the native timbers grow

For me sasha (?) is all rusty, and my axe handle's broke
I've laid them both behind the worry (?) door
For the rata and the rimu have got so goddamn tough
That I really cannot cut them any more

The tramways in the valley I shall never tread again
No more I'll hear the hauler's whistle blow
Well, oft times I look back as I travel down the track
Please don't take me from the only home I know


I'm a poor old worn-out bushman and my chopping days are done
Soon this world shall know I'll be no more
Down the valley of the shadow I'll soon be on the track
Where oft times I've seen bushmen go before


And when I sleep that last long sleep, I pray that it may be
Where the tawa and the matai and the pine
And the gino (?) and the nyall (?) and the kuramiko (?) tree
Grow forever by that lonely grave of mine

