The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66644   Message #1107865
Posted By: Bob Bolton
02-Feb-04 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Dying Bushman
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Help with 'Dying Bushman' (NZ)
G'day Stewie,

This obviously relates to our cousins on the eastern side of the Tasman Sea, but I'll check this, tonight, against some NZ glossaries. (However, I do reckon your (worry ?) is probably whare, the Maori word for 'hut' or 'house' ... roughly "wory" ... with the vowel sound as in 'hot' - although the intitial sound of the intitial consonant is a bit tricky for us pakehas!)

Incidentally, I know that the Oxford Australian Words Project ... from the early '60s ... was compiling word lists from Australian trades - so I suspect they were doing something similar in New Zealand around the same time, since there is an NZ equivalent to The Australian National Dictionary (i>The New Zealand National Dictionary ... ?). There may be someone at OWLS (Oxford Word and Language Service ) - they are at the Australian National University, in our case - who can access the specialised lists.


Bob Bolton