The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66632   Message #1108380
Posted By: Big Mick
03-Feb-04 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Janet Jacksons Breast
Subject: RE: BS: Janet Jacksons Breast
Yeah, Mary, it is trying at times. The best I can offer is that I take the stuff on head up. I look for opportunities to to have conversation, and then talk about it in a matter of fact way. The trick is to do so without demonizing sexuality. One of the things that our hung up American society has tried to stifle is the natural inclination to explore awakening sexuality. In doing so, they created the backlash we see now, and have seen in the last 40 years. The old Celts would encourage their children to explore these facets of themselves and guide them in a healthy way. We should never deny the sexual nature that we all possess, and nurturing that is, it seems to me, the key to raising well adjusted adults. As a very liberal person, that is what is so troubling about these displays. They seem to want to reduce my young woman to something that I am not willing to allow. This child, indeed all my girls, are being raised to make a difference and leave this place better than what they found it. These types of displays make it difficult, but I will use them as teaching moments as well. Maybe in the abstract, they will even be positive tools.
