The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66652   Message #1108454
Posted By: s6k
03-Feb-04 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: PLF: Penguin Liberation Front
Subject: RE: BS: PLF: Penguin Liberation Front
The PLF have moved forward since our last communication.
A new leader has taken command, King Bob, and is fearless and ruthless.
We cannot let him and his dastardly army progress any further with this losing battle against penguins.

As a side note, i am not referring to the chocolate biscuits, this army is sworn to take over REAL penguins.
However, all new recruits WILL be issued a penguin biscuit bar as standard and choice of colour wrapper.

Now then, for further reading you MUST click the following link. You will see that King Bob is amassing an army, this is the birthplace of the Penguin Extinction Army. I urge you to voice your views on this matter in the thread. Never will the PLF stand down, we will stop this worldwide threat to penguins before Bob amasses the largest army the world has ever seen.
Here is the link

Please note a possible co-leader of the PLF in King Grub, who is as you will see in the picture, a real penguin. He is our best ally at present, and we must help him in any way we can.

King Bob thinks he is evil and invincible but if we stick together we can amass an army larger than he could ever imagine.

Please also note the presence of SPN200286, a pillock who is high up in rank in this army. maybe we can assassinate him first.

Good luck and i urge you all to post, if not read on this thread.

Thank you and god speed