The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13402   Message #110859
Posted By: katlaughing
02-Sep-99 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: cortisone for tendonitis?
Subject: RE: cortisone for tendonitis?
Rita, I would urge you to read Dr. Atkin's book, New Diet Revolution. He is a cardiologist who advocates low carbs and high protein with no sugar. He explains, very well, in my opinion, the cycle of what he calls hyperinsulinism, too much insulin and the body's way of not coping through fluctuating blood sugar. Really made a lot of sense for me and I've lost over 40lbs using his methods. Before that I felt like I was starving on low-fat/no-fat and stil not losing!

I crave chocolate a lot, even still (I think it's genetic!). Anyway, he has food bars and shake mixes which are very low in carbs, no refined sugars, and are deliciously chocolate, among other flavours. It seems expensive, but not if one considers what they might be spending on the sweet and salt binges etc. our society is so prone to. He is not the only one to recommend low carbs, just the most successful or ambitious, whichever way you want to look at it. Here is a link to Dr. Atkins.

Also, I would urge you to get and read the book I mentioned before, Coping With Predinisone. It's really the first and, so far, only book I know of written by and for laypersons, although her doctor sister also contributed. There is quite a bit in there about cravings and diet, too.

If it is still only out in hardback, I will send you my copy, for as long as you want to use it. I am NOT planning on taking that drug, again, ever, if I can help it.

Hope this helps. This has been a terrific thread.

Marion, did you read ll of the posts? I think I remember someone saying they'd used accupuncture.

Also, I can't recall if I mentioned this: glucosamine sulfate taken over a long enough period to take effect cna help tremendously with muscles and tendons. Sveral people have told me or said in interviews that they were almost totally incapacitated by arthritic, tendonitis, etc., given up on medicine, until they tried this supplement. Many are now doing very well. I just started back on it and can already tell a difference; I can get up in the morning without feeling like Methusalah!
