The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1108737
Posted By: Chief Chaos
03-Feb-04 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
The building was still smoldering when Chongo got there. Amidst the fire trucks and police cars he poked and prodded, sifted the debris through his fingers. Drecker was there as well.
"So what are your boys telling you, Lance?"
"Well after somebody finally figured they were deaf from the blast they brought out their pad and pencil. They were watching this place last night. A small delivery truck pulled up, the guy delivered a small package, but didn't go inside. Took his lunch break and then drove off. Minutes later the whole place went up."
"And they never saw anybody come or go from the place aside from the delivery truck?" said Chongo.
"Nobody. Whoever was in there went up with the building. Not a stitch left of them. Just debris."
"Sometimes I pity you Lance."
"How do you figure?"
"You figure this is the end of the chase, don't you?"
"Well that was the last building they could have been in and its just a crater now, so yeah I guess it's over.
"Sorry Lance, you and your boys got taken. I pity you because you only have half the sense of smell that I have. There isn't a trace of burned flesh or fresh meat. Chongo stood quietly for a moment. "Actually I guess you should pity me that I can smell such things even in the smallest amounts."
Chongo then smiled up at Drecker, "How long have you been walking the beat and you've never run into some joker playing three card monty."
A light dawned in Drecker's eyes. He threw his unlit dog end on the ground and muttered "Shit!"
Chongo would have laughed but it was supposed to have been inaudible.
"Let me guess, Chongo said, "they didn't think to get the license, not that it matters because it was probably stolen, the driver was pretty much non-descript and the truck had no markings and was painted just like any other delivery truck around here."
"That about sums it up," Lance said turning his back and walking back toward his car. "What do we do now?"
Chongo shrugged. "It's their move now."