The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66505   Message #1110391
Posted By: Bobert
05-Feb-04 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: Kendall in hospital (not any more)
Subject: RE: Kendall in hospital
Well danged, Kendall!

Why the heck you didn't put this down on the BS, where I'd find it??? Now that makes me real mad! Okay not real mad but slightly mad...

So ya' been eatin' too many of the lobsters, heh? Well, I think it was more about telling so many of them stories myself but if you wanta blame this stuff on a danged crustacian, then knock yerself out... Ahhh, figuratuvely speakin', of course...

Well, reckon it's purdy good to get yerseff all tuned up so you can kick some butt fir yer last 30 or so years. We wouldn't want no Kendall Lite, would we? No sir. No Kendall Lite fir this ol' hillbilly. NO sir-ree...

Well, when ya get around to readin' this jus' remember that you is the same ol' cuss as you were before... Heck, my brother's ma-in-law had a triple bypass over 25 years ago and could probably kick the butts of over half the folks I know.... Hmmmmmm?.... Mine included...
