The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4158   Message #1110453
Posted By: Shanghaiceltic
05-Feb-04 - 11:33 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Tune Req: Twiddles (Janie Meneely)
If the men are away, the girls will play;

Try this;

THREE DRUNKEN MAIDENS (I do not have the origin)

There were three drunken maidens came down from the Isle of Wight
They started to drink on a Monday never stopped till Saturday night.
On Saturday night they came my lads but still they wouldn't get out,
And the three drunken maidens did push the jug about.

Then in came dancing Sally, her cheeks a rosy bloom
Shove o'er you jolly sisters and give young Sal some room
And I will be your equal before the evenings out
And the three drunken maidens did push the jug about.

They had woodcock and pheasant, partridge and hare
And every sort of dainty, no shortage there was there
They'd forty gallons of beer me lads but still they wouldn't get out
And the three drunken maidens did push the jug about.

Then in came the landlord, he was looking for his pay
Forty pounds of beer me lads these girls were forced to pay
They had ten pounds apiece me lads but still they wouldn't get out
And the three drunken maidens did push the jug about.

Where are your fancy hats and your mantles rich and fine
They've been swallowed up me lads with tankards of fine wine
And where are your fancy men, young maidens frisk and gay
You left them in the ale house and it's there you'll have to pay.

You could also look at Sally Free and easy by Cyril Tawney. It is in the DT files.