The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51847   Message #1110531
Posted By: Kaleea
06-Feb-04 - 03:28 AM
Thread Name: Ask Dr. Guitar
Subject: RE: Ask Dr. Guitar
Dere Dr. Gee-tar,
   uh, & Brian--I cain't pruh-nownss yore name too good! But at leest my spellin iz akkyerate.
But I dye-gress! uh, Dr. Gee-tar, I iz wonderin' about hows come yew ain't a been with us fer sich a long time now? Hows come iz that? Whut have yew been up tew? Have yew been helpin' some o' them thar "ree-tardz" git ther gee-tar problemz figgered out? Pleeze let us'nz here at this here Mudkat kaffee place know whut yew've been a doin' with yerself fer the past few munths. We'unz has shorely misst yew & yore helpfull self.
   Dr. Gee-tar, iz yew out thar?
       yore dere frindz at this here Mudkat place,
            (signt) us'nz