The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41753   Message #1110749
Posted By: Cuilionn
06-Feb-04 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: UK Minister insults folkmusic: complain!
Subject: RE: UK Minister insults folkmusic: complain!
Aye, that! Ye need "sing ins" & "listen ins" tae demonstrate the SATYAGRAHA (sp?) or "soul-force" o music. Stop nit-pickin an stairt pickin yir citterns & banjos & aa that. Gie the silly blighters a splendit shaw o force that sweeps across the land. Enlist the help o disaffectit youth o ilka stripe--they love bein rebels WI a cause. Enlist the help o local elders whae're wantin a bit o meaningful fun. Get 'em tae come in wi the disaffectit youth an demand the music thegither! Get them all tae carry on intae the wee hoors, an after the "focal folk" are dane wi their sets, hae the youth an elders stairt tradin tunes & teachin ilka ither their sangs! Rouse the populace! Ye cuid ca it sumpit like "The Hell of a Guid Time" maevement...

(Tae quote poet Marge Piercy, " beautiful is trouble/ actively pursued...")

--Cuilionn, whae regrets bein on the wrang side o the pond whaur she cannae instigate as muckle as she'd like