The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13481   Message #111086
Posted By: Bert
03-Sep-99 - 10:39 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Radio - Feedback wanted
Subject: Mudcat Radio - Feedback wanted
Hi guys, Thanks for putting up with the technical difficulties we had with "feet first"; Max and the Elves are working to get them fixed for next week.

However we would like some comments on the content and presentation.

We have had one request for more music. Good point j0 77, we'll have more for you next week. What do you like?

All of you reporters and broadcasters out there, come back and tell us what we were doing wrong. We need all the help we can get.

Thanks Alice, for refreshing the Mudcat song thread. Don't forget gholks there'll be prizes for the songs to open and close the Radio Show.
