The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13481 Message #111091
Posted By: Alice
03-Sep-99 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Radio - Feedback wanted
Subject: RE: Mudcat Radio - Feedback wanted
Hi, Bert, I really liked your interview with the Patons, and I also think that hearing music that connects somehow to the Mudcat is a very good part of your broadcast. Whether it is sung in your office/studio, played from a recording, or over the phone, I think that is very interesting to most of us here. I would like to hear some of the songs we have discussed here on the forum as performed by various people. It would be interesting to hear different versions of the same family of tunes for instance. I know there are lots of examples in the last couple of years where we have discussed a song or tune and its roots or many versions. I can think of The Butterfly, for example, as a tune we discussed ... Bruce O. always had good feedback on the origins of tunes.