The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13481   Message #111112
Posted By: annamill
03-Sep-99 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Radio - Feedback wanted
Subject: RE: Mudcat Radio - Feedback wanted
I just last night had the chance to listen to the archived show and watch Max and Bert, listen to Sandy and Caroline, and listen to Rick's song. I agree that there should be more music. I would like to hear more originals. By that I mean, Mudcatters recorded on tape or digital recordings ;-)

I couldn't listen to the whole thing, but I got all of part one and part of part two. I'm going to listen to the whole thing tomorrow. Max kept saying that no one was listening. For myself, I didn't get home from work til 8:30 pm Wed. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe we'd have more catters able to listen if it were later. But then it would conflict with "Voyager". Can't have that.

When I finally did hear it, it was fun. I loved hearing Sandy and Caroline's voices again. I loved hearing Bert's song. That was fun.

Once again, Wonderful job, Max and elves. Can't wait till the next one.

I tried to find Max waxing, but I couldn't. Can anyone tell me where I would find him?

HAWD. Love, annap