The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1111173
Posted By: Chief Chaos
06-Feb-04 - 11:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
General Groves had had to catch a red eye military flight back to Chicago, traveling incognito so as not to attract too much attention even from his own beloved Army. He'd flown out early to Washington to report to President Roosevelt about the problems with lab security. Roosevelt had damn near handed him his ass. But after cooling down had observed that even the best laid plans of mice and men err oft go astray. Groves had suggested that because of the potential for collateral damage should the spies be able to penetrate security that maybe the lab should be moved. Roosevelt was tired, very tired. He just sighed and told Groves to carry on where he was.
"It's too late in this war to stop and move," he said, "we know they're working on the same idea.
At this time intelligence tells me we're ahead of them. If they get there first there's no telling how the war will go. We may have them beat hands down with numbers of troops and the ability to turn out the machinery of war, but if they can threaten any city in the U.S. with the extreme destruction that our scientists tell us these bombs are capable of...well then I just don't know."
"Get on back to the project General. All you can do is your best and I trust you to do that."

General Groves saluted Roosevelt and Roosevelt returned it with a small smile. "Good Luck General."

Groves dozed off during the flight only to dream of American cities going up in flames. Chicago, New York, Washington D.C., the military bases in Hampton Roads. Everywhere dead bodies, charred and burned by radiation, survivors pleading for help with Groves helpless to assuage the poison that was killing them before his eyes. And all the while vague images of small chimps watching him. He dozed fitfully and woke with tears on his cheeks. He had to ensure that the Nazis didn't stop the project and that they didn't get the bomb themselves. And God forbid that the Japanese should get the bomb from the Nazis.

Groves didn't bother going back to his quarters when he arrived back in Chicago. He did his best to make himself comfortable in his desk chair and caught as much sleep as possible before the morning arrived. He figured he had one last shot at doing something about the spies. A long shot at best but he had to go for it.

The changing of the guard at the lab woke him the next morning. He'd saved at least an hour by not returning to his quarters. It was time to put that time to good use. The General grabbed his phone and placed a call to Chongo.
"I think I've got something here. Can you get down here before work begins at seven? Good. I'll meet you at the entrance to the labs."

Chongo hit the streets running and arrived a short time later. Groves had just had enough time to wash up and shave. Being a good General meant having a spare uniform or two in the office locker in case of unannounced visits by the higher-ups. Groves was almost always assured that he'd never have a problem with the image that he portrayed.

"Okay General, fill me in on your idea and let's see where it goes," Chongo said, "and I hope it goes somewhere because I'm fresh out of ideas other than sitting around and waiting for them to attack.
"Well Chongo, I got to thinking about our situation. The chimps that the spies used didn't just wander around looking for things. They were put in specific shafts that lead to certain areas. That tells me that security had already been compromised to a certain extent before the chimps were used."
"And now with the chimps gone you figure that whoever managed to get in here before might try again but this time they might bring a bomb with them?" Chongo asked grimly.
"That and if they got through once they might have been here several times. The warehouse that was blown up. The papers said that the police had a reliable source that no-one had been inside when it went up. By the way, they're saying that it was a gas leak that caused the explosion. "I figure that you're the source the police were quoting?"
"Probably so," Chongo said.
"Well if your sense of smell is that good then you can probably pick up the scents of our workers and any guests that might have been admitted. Since you also went to the cabin I figure you might be able to find out which rooms they were in, and from there we might be able to figure out who their sponsor was. Once we know that we can probably get a physical description. Hopefully that will lead us somewhere."
"Sounds like a great idea to me General. Let's get moving before the staff gets in here and overpowers any lingering scents."

General Groves didn't waste time taking Chongo to rooms that hadn't been infiltrated by the chimps. They didn't have a lot of time. The scents of the staff were very strong in the rooms so it wasn't easy for Chongo to pick out the underlying traces, but he was beginning to get a nagging at the back of his brain. By the third room he thought he had it.
"General, I think I've got you a lead," he said, "I don't think you're going to like it."
"Give it to me, Chongo, I don't have time for games."
"You were probably figuring on a male? Some dignitary that visited and is working for the other side?"
"I told you we haven't got the time for this, but yes, I did figure that it was male, why?"
"General you've got female troubles."
"Come again?"
"The way I figure it, you've got someone on the staff trying to act the bigshot. He tries to play up how important he is by taking his "girlfriend" around and showing her the place. Whoever it is figured she'd be too dumb to understand and she probably helped him with that illusion. He didn't have a clue that he was giving a guided tour to a Nazi spy. Then scent in these rooms is the same one I smelled faintly in the remains of the warehouse and in the delivery van they used as a getaway car. Check with your guards for female visitors and you'll have your man."

General Groves took Chongo back to his office and consulted with the security detachment. With all of the people filing in it took a little while but he returned to the office with two MPs flanking him, a rather dejected looking Sargent between them.
"Here he is Chongo, here's our leak!"
The sargent looked startled at seeing the chimp, but then just hung his head.
"Does he know what you're talking about General?"
"I haven't let him in on the whole ball game just yet. Gentlemen you are dismissed."
The MPs saluted smartly, performed an about face and left Grove's office with some haste.
"Sargent, this is Chongo."
"Chongo, Sargent Victor James".
"James, Chongo is investigating a spy ring that has penetrated the lab."
Sargent James looked startled and bolted upright in his chair.
"You don't think I'm......You don't think I'd....."
"No Sargent, we know that you're not a spy," Chongo said, "but you know someone who is."
"I'm quite sure that I don't know what you're talking about."
"Your girl, James, the one you escorted through the lab on a "private" unauthorized tour," General Groves growled, "she's a spy and you let her in. You let her case the lab without once thinking about the consequence. Inadvertently you're responsible for the deaths of a dozen or so young primates that they used to further infiltrate the lab. Yeah, that's right! The rumors you heard are true! Now it's payback time. You are going to tell Chongo everything you know about the woman that you showed around here. Every detail of her appearance right down to any birthmarks she might have and I don't care how embarrassing this might be for you. It might sound trite but the fate of the free world may hang on you!"

It was hours before Chongo was done with Sargent James.