The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66789   Message #1111304
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
07-Feb-04 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spam poem to add to?
Subject: BS: Spam poem to add to?
New Scientist, 31 January 2004 - Feedback.

Meanwhile, here is the first verse of a poem that reader Bob Johnson has compiled from the subject lines of spam emails he had received. We like the way it seems to hover on the brink of meaning something without ever actually doing so.

changeable ducat semblance aries
peregrine fairy curtain dogging
seize homologues ceylon arty
argor shadbish biscuit crow median
arturo farsighted
knoll agleam duluth eyebrow haines
reducible bobbin
epsom implimenter morphism
butch atlas everyday elder licentious
paean Mad Cow Test & Prevention
Your degree is close


Unfortuantely I delete my spam immediately so I can't add to it.

Is anyone out there a budding spam-poet? Real spam, of course, no cheating!!
