The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13481   Message #111140
Posted By: katlaughing
03-Sep-99 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Radio - Feedback wanted
Subject: RE: Mudcat Radio - Feedback wanted
I liked the stream of consciouness/improv/wing it/Onstage (yes, a blatant plug for MAx's real job!) kind of feel. Reminded me so much of Max Headroom! I was laughing with delight. No more apologies about professionalism and such....the way it was made it so much more like we were just sitting around the kitchen listening, singing, and talking....lovely.

More lighting would help with the video; your faces were pretty much in the dark, except when you moved into more light.

Rog, the broadcast engineer says (and I paraphrase 'cause I can't remember the jargon) more specific/directional??? mics would be better, pick up less outside noise, as you already mentioned when waxing, Max.

I'd love to hear you both do more live music, but REALLY enjoyed the samples from the CDs you played, too. I agree with Alice about hearing things relevant to what we've been discussing and hearing other Mudders. Of course,, that'll depend on us honouring your request for material, eh, Max:-)?

I loved having the video, too! It was so fun to see where the Mudcat "lives" and to see you guys "in action".

The interview was great and I'd like to hear more of them, too. I also liked the way you explained more about the non-profit status, Max, the Foundation and all.

I don't think an hour is going to be long enough for very long. Rog and I have both been in broadcast for upteen years and we both have good eyes and ears for this kind of thing. We think you've got a great concept/program and that it has fantastic potential. As I said before, it would be so cool, down the techie road, if we could do live feeds from various places full of Mudders.

Eventually, why not expand and add another show, which would be talk/phone in? There is a good example of this on the AIROS site.

You ALL did really, really well. Max, your voice was born for broadcast and you are really good at winging it, as well as you, Bert. Don't lose that by being too organised or "professional".*g*

The only other thing is letting us know what the best way is to send you messages during the show: email, telephone, or in a thread?

I know when you were Waxing On, Max, you could tell who of us was on and directed your comments, (thanks for telling me to go to bed!) to us, so I figure there is some way for you to see what we're writing, too.

For those of you who asked, you can't find Max Waxes On, except when he is doing it live, as it is not archived. It was great, a real stream of consciousness kinda thing, or.....was that the Black & Tan talking?? Loved hearing you pick and sing.

Remember YOU WERE THERE! The birth of Mudder Radio! May our children's children remark upon that day, with a roll call of ancestral web-pioneers: the listeners, pickers,programmers, hosts, etc....a truly blessed and unique confluence of great minds, hearts, and spirit!
