The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66652   Message #1111813
Posted By: JennyO
08-Feb-04 - 08:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: PLF: Penguin Liberation Front
Subject: RE: BS: PLF: Penguin Liberation Front
Seen in a newsletter from the Merry Muse (a folk club in Canberra), written by its owner, Bill Arnett, a big fella who sometimes dresses up as a fairy, comes this little snippet:

"...the current record that I know about for penguin appreciation (yes folks he enjoys it) is 588.8 metres by Martin Pearson. Martin adds "AND the penguin lived"...
Let me know if you've done better .... NO fibbing, god can see you.........."

Ah yes, but can we believe him?

Anyway, 588.8 is old news by now. Anyone break the 600 yet?