The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13481 Message #111186
Posted By: Bert
03-Sep-99 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Radio - Feedback wanted
Subject: RE: Mudcat Radio - Feedback wanted
We've already discussed the lighting problem and you should be able to see us next time. Of course whether that is going to be an advantage, remains to be seen.
Re: 'how about some good rap?' Is there such a thing?
Re: 'different versions of songs.' We'd love to do that - SEND 'EM TO US folks. 'Cos between us, we would usally only have 2 versions of any particular song.
I think next week I'll email my notes to Max, then it won't matter if I forget them.
I don't know if I'll be able to slow Max down at all, that's about as relaxed as he gets. Unless anyone's got any weed ;-)
Max will have to deal with the 'getting pictures from Australia' issue, too technical for me at the moment.
Rer: 'Bert and Max should do at least one live performance each on every show.' Well you just try to stop us!! We've got 8000 or more songs in DT and when we've sung all of them we'll just write some more.
Thanks for all your kind thoughts. Glad you like it a bit rough and ready 'cos that seems to be what you'll get. I can't see me ever becoming a polished broadcaster.