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Thread #66833   Message #1112231
Posted By: Cruiser
08-Feb-04 - 11:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: 60 Minutes
Subject: RE: BS: 60 Minutes
From Mr. Bush on 'Meet The Press'

"And the president of the United States' most solemn responsibility is to keep this country secure" {End Quote}

What is going to happen to the US when Mr Bush goes "poof" (plunk your magic twanger froggy) and goes to heaven. He will not be able to keep us secure any more (lucky us). In fact I would like the RAPTURE to happen so we could lose him and like-minded evangelicals. Persons that believe the Rapture are not sane, in my opinion. How can a reasonable person think this way? That is why Mr. Bush is so dangerous. He and other evangelicals believe that the war in Iraq is justified because (from the 60 minutes article): "For evangelicals, the war in Iraq is seen not merely as a war against terror"

The link to the 60 Minutes coverage of the Evangelical Christians is below. There are some excerpts I would like to copy & paste:

"I'm not accusing my Democratic friends of being ungodly. But I'm just saying statistically, people that attend church frequently, at least once a week or more -- two thirds of them vote Republican," says Bauer. "Those voters that say they seldom if ever attend religious services, two thirds of them vote Democratic."

"An estimated 70 million Americans call themselves evangelicals, and their beliefs have already reshaped American politics. In the last election, 40 percent of the votes for George W. Bush came from their ranks…"

"I think if you cut us, Jerry and I would bleed red, white and blue," says LaHaye. "We believe that God has raised up America to be a tool in these last days, to get the Gospel to the innermost parts of the earth."

"It's an event that evangelicals call the Rapture, where every true-believing Christian, and every child under the age of 12, vanishes in an instant to a better place. All others will face the Tribulation

"It could happen at any moment. It could happen, as we like to say, during this interview. Like that. Bang," says Thomas Ice, who might be called a professor emeritus of the Rapture. He runs the Pre-Tribulation Research Center out of his garage in a Dallas suburb. It's a one-man think-tank funded by LaHaye and dedicated to preparation for the last days on earth."

"There is a lot of debate over where … artificial body parts, and contact lenses, and clothes would be "Left Behind" or not. But the body would definitely be taken," adds Ice."

That's what happens to believers. But the rest of humanity is condemned to suffering.

"That's what the Bible teaches. There are gonna be many Southern Baptists, for example, or many Presbyterians, or many Catholics, or people who are a part of Christendom," says Ice. "But if they haven't personally trusted Jesus Christ as their savior, even if they … a lifelong member of a church, you know, then they will be damned."

"People who believe in the Rapture believe the Bible -- word for literal word."

"But do evangelicals think they will live to see the Rapture?"

"My thinking is I sure hope so. I think it'd be really cool," says Ice.

"President Bush said: "Christ, because he changed my heart. When you accept Christ as a savior, it changes your heart. It changes your life."
{End Quotes}

Too bad Christ did not change the mind of the fool.

What do the rest of you good, God-fearing believers that belong to Christendom think about the "fact" that you won't be making the Rapture trip with Mr. Bush and the others?

Rise Of The Righteous Army