The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66843   Message #1112321
Posted By: s6k
09-Feb-04 - 04:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: My New Guitar!
Subject: BS: My New Guitar!
This was DEFINATELY worth a thread all to its own on this here website.

2 days ago i acquired possession of a brand new guitar.. a Gibson Les Paul Classic, complete with 1960 engraved into the pickguard.
It has the cherry sunburst colour and i cant seem to put it down. i think tonight i will sleep with it.

It cost £1900, and the shop (Gough & Davy) didnt even know they had it, but they did a stock check on friday night and found it in the back, it must have been there years!
So on the saturday it was straight into the shop window, and later in my sights. If i didnt get it, it would be gone by the end of the day, Brian assured me, so... i bloody bought it !

I wont even be de-excited when the bill comes for it.. nothing can stop me now, i just need a Marshall amp...

So, i ask all of you, in the nicest way possible, get a god damn collection box and get it passed round, if you each put £1 together, you can buy me an amp for my birthday! or you could just all send me £10 cheques and i will buy the best possible amp with the total money.

Do it now... SHOW ME THE MONEY!

My Guitar!