The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13439   Message #111235
Posted By: Bill D
03-Sep-99 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: regional humor
Subject: RE: regional humor
seems to me this qualifies as a 'regional' story...and it's true..

I came to the east coast of the U.S., from Wichita, Kansas several years after my friend Dwain, and thru a series of circumstances, we ended up working on the same folk festival...mostly as the operations crew that puts up tents, etc...

well, it was often the case that in order to keep the crew working longer hours, it became necessary to feed them decently...and what better way than to fire up the grill and have nice, hot hamburgers and fixin', on one occasion, Dwain..(from KANSAS, remember!)...was preparing to toss the burgers on the grill...with me standing right there

Dwain: "any special requests?" (Dwain & I both like our hamburgers well-done)
worker: "make mine rare!"
Dwain: "..rare? don't want it rare!"
worker: " sure I do..I like 'em rare"
Dwain: "Have you ever been to Kansas?"
worker: " Kansas? nope..can't say I have"
Dwain: "..ever seen a feedlot?"
worker: "well, no."
Dwain: "...ever seen a slaughter house?"
worker: "I don't think so"
Dwain: "..ever seen how beef is processed and handled?"
worker: ", not really"
Dwain: "well, we have...we COOK 'em!"

(this was all several years before the big E-coli scare and hamburger-cooking rules)