The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66858   Message #1112583
Posted By: Chris in Wheaton
09-Feb-04 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: Grammies Miss Mark
Subject: Grammies Miss Mark Again
Some winners:
Traditional Folk Album: ``Wildwood Flower,'' June Carter Cash.
Contemporary Folk Album: ``The Wind,'' Warren Zevon.
Musical Album for Children: ``Bon Appetit!'' Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer.

I can understand that June might fit the traditional category, but Warren Zevon???
Congrats to Cathy and Marcy - two greats that just keep going.

Chris in Wheaton

ps - saw the touring Slack Key trio last night - FANTASTIC!! - don't miss it if you get the chance. Thanks to George Winston for keeping this music alive.