The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66856   Message #1112957
Posted By: Bobert
09-Feb-04 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'rant here' thread #2
Subject: RE: BS: 'rant here' thread #2
Well gol danged..... I finally start a danged thread that don't peter out after a couple of posts an' here it just goes *poof*. Like what's tah all about, anyway?

Makes me mad enuff to spend a couple o' years on some psychiatrist couch spillin' my guts about poly-morphorse perverse guilt and unreslove toilet training issues. Now that's mad...

And while I'm on it, I don't get no respect 'round this joint. I go a write some purdy danged profound crap about this 'er that and like no one says nuthin' 'bout it. Not even a danged yawn... It's gotten so bad that even DougR ignores me??? Now that's bad...

And what's with cops allowing folks who own and rive SUV's to drive as fast as they want but I get busted fir doing 33 in a 25? Yeah, no that really sucks and I gotta go to court tomorrow morning and hope that I don't get throwed in jail fir askin' the same danged question and being held for contempt of court. Heck, I ain't nuthin' against the courts. It the friggin' cops who think that is perfectly friggin' okay if rich folks who drive shiney SUV's drive 33 or 43 on a 25 but let ol' Bobert in his 15 year old Toyota do it then it raises the country to a Code Orange...

Speakin' of SUV's. Do you realize that if yer in business fir yerself then Uncle Sam will pay up to 33% of the cost of a new SUV perchase? Now what kind of energy policy is that. Take my hard earned tax dollars and give 'um to some danged rich guy who just bought a Hummer that is gonna polute my air, burn up an inordinant anount of non-reusable fuel and probably kill me should one of them things run into me. The danged things weigh close to 3 tons...

There, if we're gonna have a new thread I figgured I should get in earlyy before the real ranters get here...


p.s. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......