The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1113604
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Feb-04 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Otto raged around for a few minutes while Bruno busied himself locating the rifles, a couple more handguns, and other necessary gear. Upon investigating the money cache (Berlin had a practice of supplying its spies in the Allied countries with a significant amount of foreign currency, including American greenbacks, both real and counterfeit...) Otto discovered to his fury that there was $15,000 dollars missing...and it was the real stuff. Martin was being exceptionally careful. He had taken no counterfeit bills whatsoever. With $15,000 he and Brehmer could easily get to anywhere they wanted to and have a nice nest egg for the future besides.

It couldn't be helped. He would enlist Ursula's aid, find them, and kill them. That was more important to Otto now than the atomic project. Whether it would be more important to Ursula remained to be seen...she could be infuriatingly single-minded. But she would certainly act to eliminate the girl, should she return to Chicago...and it seemed reasonable that she would...unless she had fallen so hard for Brehmer that she would follow him to South America...anything was possible with these young fools when they fell in love.

Ten minutes later he and Bruno were on skis and heading for Rockland as fast as they could go. Otto wished now that he had been walking daily and keeping in top condition like Brehmer. He was shortly getting very tired. Up ahead of him Bruno was doing much better. Eventually Otto told him not to wait, but get to Rockland and send a telegram to Ursula at once...then rent or steal a car. Otto would make the best time he could and meet Bruno on the road or in Rockland at the post office. Bruno pressed on with the utmost speed and determination and soon left Otto far behind.