The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1113613
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Feb-04 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Chongo had gotten a phone call from General Grove. It seemed there was someone the general wanted him to meet, but he was mysterious about just who it was. Chongo wondered idly if he was going to meet President Roosevelt himself or maybe J. Edgar Hoover or better yet, the Mighty Joe Young, nephew of Kong. Naw...not likely! It was probably just some other bozo in a suit like that jerk Dickie that Kerchak had disposed of. Some G-Man who secretly or not so secretly hated primates and would be not too subtle about showing it. Chongo pulled on his best trenchcoat and headed out to deal with it.

When he got to General Groves' office and showed his I.D. the guard sent him right on in. Groves appeared to be in a good mood. He offered Chongo a top quality Cuban cigar, then sat there smiling like the cat that had eaten the canary. What was he so damned amused about?

"Chongo," said the General, "we are making some very good progress here. I am confident that we will have those Nazi agents very shortly, and I want to introduce you to someone who can help identify them and nail them to the wall."

Great, thought Chongo. Here it comes. Another 'Dickie'. Try to act nonchalant while you figure out how to work around this guy and still get the job done...

Groves pushed a button on his desk. "Send Agent Mason in."

The door opened and Chongo heard not the step of a man, but the sound of a woman's heels. He turned to look and almost fell off his chair. His little monkey brain did a quick shift past neutral into overdrive, tried to change gears too fast, jammed the clutch, and stalled completely, while his stomach landed with a thump somewhere east of Katmandu.

"Chongo Chimp, may I introduce one of our best agents, Miss Laura Mason, recently back from an assignment in North Africa. Oh, but you have met before, haven't you?" The general was grinning from ear to ear, enjoying his little joke on Chongo enormously.

"We have," said Laura, smiling graciously, "and he's a great dancer. How's business, Chongo?"

It was one of those rare moments when Chongo Chimp was completely at a loss for words.