The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1113633
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Feb-04 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Laura "M", by god! Same face, same glossy dark hair, a little longer, but still curving in around her perfect jawline, same sculptured cheekbones, same fathomless eyes, same killer legs going all the way up to Everest. Chongo mumbled his way through some kind of greeting and couldn't remember afterward what the hell he had said to her.

Then they got down to business...thank God. Laura had plenty of useful info. It wasn't clear where she'd gotten it, but Chongo didn't particularly care. He had confidence in Laura. The buzzing in his ears was beginning to subside and he began concentrating on the details as she laid them out for him and Groves.

"First of all," she said, "we've got Otto. Otto Kretschmar from the city of Dusseldorf, Germany. Came to North America in '38 and went underground. He is almost certainly in charge of the Chicago cell. Here are some photos."

Chongo took a good look. Nasty looking character with glasses, just the way they'd described the bird that abducted the girl from the cafe/bakery.

"Next we have Martin Bauer, a well-educated man who used to work in the construction industry in Berlin. He's a demolition expert, among other things, and has numerous other talents as well. A very capable fellow."

The pictures this time showed a pleasant-looking fellow with a keen intelligence in his eyes, dressed in a suit and fedora. There was also a photo of him on a construction site, directing some workers in setting up their equipment.

"Bauer also came to America in '38. With him came another man, Bruno Fallenberg. We don't have much information on him, other than that he worked as a machinist before the war."

This was a big guy. He looked like a typical G-Man or carry-outer to Chongo. You saw guys like that every day, but Chongo wouldn't miss this guy if he spotted him.

"And last..." said Laura, "we have Fraulein Ursula Neuhoff, a professional agent for the Nazis since 1933 and a top operative. We don't know when she came to America, and have only recently suspected she was here at all. She was thought to be in Sweden. Miss Neuhoff is a diehard Nazi loyalist and an extremely deadly and effective agent. Do not underestimate her. She'll kill you in a moment if you give her the chance."

This time the pictures showed Chongo something he already knew plenty about. Ursula Neuhoff was a dead ringer for the blonde girlfriend described by the hapless Sergeant Victor James.

"How did you get all this stuff, Laura?" he asked.

"I only got some of it myself, Chongo. I don't work alone by any means. It took years of work by many people to put it all together. Are these our pigeons? Or do I have to ask?"

"If they aren't, I'm a rainbow-nosed baboon," said Chongo. "And I ain't. What about the young guy? The good-lookin' one?"

"He's a bit of a puzzle," said Laura. "We're still looking into it. He doesn't match any profile in our records at this point."

"Well, keep looking," said General Groves. "I believe we'll have these people in our hands within days now that we have these photos. Get to it. Chongo, you need anything, you just tell Miss Mason. And catch those people. I want them alive if at all possible."

"I understand," said Chongo. "I only hope Kerchak does as well..."

"Kerchak?" said Laura, frowning. "I remember him. He's a dangerous customer, as I recall. Doesn't he have it in for you?"

"Yeah, he does...sort of," admitted Chongo, "but he's got other priorities right now. We practically drink out of the same bottle these days. Funny, isn't it?"

"Well, it's certainly convenient," said Laura, flashing a brilliant smile at him. "Okay, I'm still fagged out from flying across the Atlantic, but I'm not too tired for a meal and a drink in a good Chicago restaurant. In fact, I think I'd almost kill for it at this point. You got any ideas on that?"

"I know just the place," said Chongo, feigning great aplomb. He was back on his feet again, hands firmly on the grapevine and ready to pound his chest and yell "Ungawa!". You can't keep a good ape down for long.

"But I ain't dancin' this time," he added, truculently. (Not in public anyway, he thought...whew! Gotta watch these wild fantasies. They could get a chimp in serious trouble one day if he didn't watch it.)