The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66873   Message #1113825
Posted By: Jeanie
11-Feb-04 - 05:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dreams
Subject: RE: BS: Dreams
Amos, Dianavan: Thanks :) And you are so right, Dianavan, about the importance of forgiveness and about 'dream' meetings taking place on a spiritual plane.

Rustic - I know very well that feeling you had after waking up from your dream about your mother, and my heart goes out to you. Having these kinds of dreams can be a mixed blessing. For myself, my reconciliation with my twin showed me exactly what I had been missing and had never experienced in this 'real' world, because she has never lived in it. At the time, and even after writing about it here yesterday, there was a part of me that became very, very sad. I do believe these dreams happen, and the people you have lost come to you, out of a great love for you. They long to be with you as much as you long to be with them. It is painfully sad, but also breathtakingly wonderful at the same time.

As has been said by the people who are movingly recounting their dreams over on the 'Grieving' thread, these dream encounters can serve as a loving pointer for what may be to come, and that in the present, these people are only missing from *this* world.

I do believe that these very heightened dream meetings have the power to change your perception of your living in this 'real' world. For me, my dream accentuated for me what I was missing, but it also made me look for that in other places. I have consciously and deliberately never imposed a wanting of any other person in my life to replace my twin - that would be too much for any one person to take on, and anyway, an impossibility. What my dream has encouraged me to do is seek and find little bits of "twin-ness" spread around in lots of people, places, activities and things. Dreams are such wonderful and powerful events.

With Love,
- jeanie