The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66423   Message #1113919
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
11-Feb-04 - 07:55 AM
Thread Name: El Greko Down Under Xmas 2004 - contacts
Subject: RE: El Greko Down Under Xmas 2004 - contacts
We had a great night on the deck of the James Craig - under the big awning, later in the evening sheltering from the downpour!

John Warner led us in a few shanties, the James Craig's very own band played (they had a DOUBLE BASS!! - my favourite instrument) a few songs, then we had supper down below, then back on deck for a session.

The rules are sing, request a song, or pass on the belaying pin to the next person & as Gavin passed it to me to start the evening I passed it to Moses almost before he finished explaining what to do.

So she started with a song by wazzit (you know who he is, the postman who rarely gets to anything so writes lotsa songs) & it had a great chorus & the evening started very well. The chorus was about a ship that went down with all hands on the Goodwin Sands, or whatever they're called, you know the one.

Lotsa' great singers sang lotsa' great songs, there were lotsa' great chcoruses to join. Folks walking past & other folks sailing past in ferries seemed impressed with the singing. Mudcatters JennyO, Freda Underhill & Chicky all sang, Mudcatter Chris Maltby also passed, dunno why as unlike me he can hold a tune & has sung at sessions before.

Suddenly it was 9.30 (kicking out time) but half the crowd wouldn't leave, they kept singing & the crew started closing down around them!

Moses & her family, & Chris & I left them at it.

I have been listening to El Greko's demo & I like it,but naturally it's not enough.

I also had Pete Morton's CD waiting when I got home (he's appearing at the Dog in March) so altogether it's been a great night for live & recorded music.
